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Front view of Hindu-Buddha Temple of Baltimore
Front view of Hindu-Buddha Temple of Baltimore

Baltimore metropolitan area is home to more than 10 thousand Nepali-American families, majority of whom belong to Hinduism and Buddhism faiths. The Nepali American Community is comparatively very young with only about 2-3 decades of history behind it. Therefore, we have not been able to develop a community venue, where our community members could observe, and celebrate various religious/cultural traditions, festivals, and other relevant life cycle rituals. The availability of such a venue would lead to the promotion as well as preservation of cultural heritage and its passage down to future generations. This in turn will help keep the Nepali identity intact. With this ambitious objective in mind, a ‘Spontaneous Group of Volunteers’ was formed under the auspicious banner of Nepali American Cultural Center (NACC), a religious non-profit 501(3c) charitable organization, registered in the state of Maryland, USA. The mission of NACC at its preliminary phase is to build a typical Nepali style “Hindu Buddha Temple” to cater to the needs of Nepali community regarding the religious and cultural observances on a regular basis throughout the year. A few weeks of hard work by the group of volunteers was successful in locating the property (shown here) and in acquiring it with funds raised through donations by its community members and friends.

The property consists of 31 acres of land with a three-level main building (six rooms with large foyer and open basement area) covering a living space of 5000 square ft. and located approximately at the center. This building, having its own historical significance, is in the process of restoration to its old glory by NACC. Once the restoration process is complete and a place of worship is established in the building, the Nepali community will have a bragging right of having a place of worship in a building with historical significance. There is ample space available for performing more than one religious activity concurrently. The property has another building (having 1500 sq. Ft.) that can be used for additional temple related activities or accommodation of priests and workers.

Moreover, the big acreage with open front and backyards, playgrounds, parking space for more than 30 vehicles makes this property a perfect venue for performing numerous daily, seasonal and occasional religious and cultural programs/activities such as:

  • Daily (Morning & Evening) Worships/(Pujas)
  • satsang Bhajan, and Prabachan
  • Bhumi Pujas
  • Nava-Graha- Shanti Pujas
  • Lifecycle Ceremonies (Chaiti, Nwaraan, Pasni, Bratbandha, Bibaha)
  • Continuation of Seasonal (Year-Round) Religious and Cultural Pujas/Functions

For Events at Temple: Your Imagination is the Limit!

Though some renovation works need to be completed at the site to make it fully functional as a “” Cultural Sanctuary”, as of now, some small and medium sized activities accommodating about two hundred persons can be organized/performed. In future, with systematic planning, the venue can provide opportunity to the Nepali community to organize/perform events such as:

  • Nepal Language, Dance Music Classes
  • Yoga, Meditation and Seasonal Health Camps
  • Develop Vedic Library and Resource Center Socio – Cultural Exchange

Our Amenities: Open Secret Views to Visitors

Fully Fenced Multi-Purposed Sport-Court
Fully Fenced Multi-Purposed Sport-Court 

The panoramic view of forests and rolling hills with residential areas in the distant horizon provides the observers with pleasant memories of their childhood and adulthood spent in a beautiful country, Nepal.

  • 5000 Sq. Ft. Main Building
  • 200 M. Long Driveway/ Parking
  • 1500 Sq. Ft. Second Building
  • Large and Open Front and Back Yards
  • 500 Sq. Ft. Open Gazebo
  • Fully Fenced Multi-Purpose Sport-Court
  • Fully Fenced Multi-Purposed Sport-Court (Which is Adjustable for Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.)

The Hindu Buddha Temple will be managed and operated by NACC under Hindu and Buddhist religious philosophies. However, all feasible suggestions from anyone for future planning, improvements, operations, and management of the Temple, will be given due consideration and will be highly appreciated.